Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Scandal Bad for African American Conscious.

Scandal is bad for the African American community’s conscious.   I rarely get wrapped into watching television, but Scandal really started pulling me in.  The constant twist and turns, the sexual content, and the power struggles were intoxicating.  But, then it hit me, Scandal’s portrayal of its African American characters is entertaining, but damaging to the African American community’s conscious.

Kerry Washington’s character Olivia Pope is someone who will do anything and everything in the name of making it happen. Also, she is someone who is hopelessly in love with a married man.  The bigger issue is that it sends a signal that as an African American female, you can be extremely powerful and driven and have no moral or ethical compass.  Also, you are still captive to the wrong man, no matter how successful you are.

Olivia Pope’s father, Eli was one of the most powerful men in the world, but because he challenged another powerful man he was fired.  This would not be an issue, but Eli is an African American and the other powerful man is a Caucasian.  Does anyone find it hard to swallow that as long Eli does not pose a threat he can do as he pleases, but because he shows that he is not afraid of the "MAN", he is now a threat and is removed from his position of authority.

Olivia Pope’s mother, Maya  is considered the most dangerous character in the movie.  Her marriage to Olivia father was a deception.  Scandal depicts the African American family as dysfunctional, don’t we have enough of that in the media. 

O.k. I admit, all the above makes for a great television show.  I admit that the Caucasian characters are depicted as unscrupulous and immoral as well. I recognize entertainment is just that entertain, but sometimes it is important that we ensure that we understand the possible affect on the conscious television has on a community.  I am sure Hollywood does not mean to perpetuate negative stereotypes.

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