Saturday, April 14, 2012

What Next ?

Our communities, our nation, and our world has been transformed by war, revolutions, and innovations. Generations, to come, will be influenced our generation. Many will ask the question – what next?

9/11 changed the fabric and unraveled the very seams of the United States,  but it intertwined America with the same material by which many in Israel, Palestine, Turkey, India and other countries have dealt with- the unnerving reality that there is evil in our world that has no regard for life. We remember the faces of those who perished on that day, but in other countries, even now, a life is extinguished because of hatred. In our communities, we do not have to look far to see this thread of hate in the cloth of our young people as you turn on the news. We see the yellow police line stretched across a crime scene and the flashing lights providing a glimpse of the life taken because of self-hate turned violent simply over a verbal disagreement about some meaningless issue. What next?

The Arab Spring has caused a tide of liberation through revolutions against pseudo-democratic but truly dictatorial regimes. The innovations of global communications bringing grass root organizations together to topple these regimes demonstrated the power of the individual voice to combine with the sympathy of all voices to speak truth to justice. This phenomenon was evident in our nation. The many hummed the hymn of humanity to bring about the need for change in our institutions. These same voices are echoes of the past that marched on Selma, stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial and voted at the ballot box. What next?

As our men and women return from foreign lands in their service to our nation to bring life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and protecting our national interest, their patriotism and valor will continue to be heralded. Their inner and external struggles will be evident. Many will return with the scars and memories of war. It is imperative that they do not struggle alone, but receive not just the words –“Thank You For Serving Our Country” but they receive the deeds of their countries gratitude for their service. Like those who returned from foreign wars in the past, who now walk our nations streets, who memories are wrought with a lack of compassion for their sacrifice, our nation must do more and be more. What next?

As  future generations gather in classrooms, living rooms, and other social venues they must understand that the world they inherit comes with a responsibility to cherish life, endure hardship, and be the change agents that make their community, their nation, and their world better. So what is next?
 What is next - is we must help our future generation make the future now.

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