Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lest We Forget

During a recent visit to the Holocaust museum, I was reminded of the atrocities perpetuated against the Jewish by the Nazis Germans. The horrific scene of brutality and inhuman treatment by one group of people to another was truly a horrible reminder of a time in our history. As an African-American, I could not help but feel an unearthing emotion to ask have we forgotten that we, African-Americans, received the same evil and demeaning treatment. The theme of the Holocaust museum was “Never Forget,” I ask have we forgotten.

Some would take offense to my surfacing this issue.

“Why bring up the past?”

“We have come a long way from that time in history.”
“Our country has an African American President.”

“That part of our past is something we should forget.”

My response is, if the Jewish tradition calls for every Jewish child to “Never Forget” than there is no reason that we, African Americans, should not help our children understand what this part of our history meant.
Many young African-Americans do not value life, education, the right to vote and many of the opportunities provided to us today.

Every time an African-American youth kills another African-American youth, I ask the question did they not know that some years ago we were lynched and murdered simply because of the color of our skin.

Every time an African American youth drops out of school, I ask the question did they not know that some years ago we were beaten and had dogs attack us because we wanted an opportunity to earn an education.
Every time an African American fails to exercise their right to vote, I ask the question did they not know some years ago we literally gave blood, sweat, and tears for this right.

I do not want us to remember the atrocities of the past to hate our fellow white brothers and sisters. 
I want us to remember the atrocities of the past to value our rights as Americans, our value as a people, and recognize God’s grace to bring us thus far. I want us to remember so we can be better.


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