Friday, April 27, 2012

Raising Children Like Training Horses

      Raising children is very much like training horses, you never know when either will try you. 
Some people would take offense to such a statement, but hear it out before you pass judgement.
     Recently, I have been working with a friend learning to train horses.  There is one particular horse, which I have had no issue with.  I could easily catch the horse, saddle the horse, and rope train the horse.
      No issues, until today, I caught the horse, I saddled the horse, and I started rope training the horse and all of a sudden the horse decided - I am not going to listen to you and I am going to do what I want to do.  My friend was watching the whole scene and came out.
      "If you do not put your foot down, the horse will never listen to you again," said my friend.
Immediately, he became forceful with the horse and the horse got back in line.
I had to get forceful once he gave the rope back to me. 
       So how does this relate to raising children.
       Well, I have noticed that out of the blue, my sons will just try me.  Maybe it is stomping off to their room when I tell them no.  Maybe it is talking back, when I am correcting them.  I have noticed that if I do not put my foot down, they will take an inch of rope and turn it into a mile of rope.
       What my friend told me later was that he has seen people who have horses and they can do nothing with the horse.  The reason is once the horse knew they could rule over the person, then from there on the horse did whatever the horse wanted, and the person was helpless.
        Sound familiar. 
        Now, I may not be the best parent in the world, but I know that I do not and will not feel helpless in my own home.  So, I will take the necessary steps to raise my sons in the way I would like for them to become - great young men - but it starts with being forceful now.

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